Thursday, July 22, 2010

"Do not awaken love until the appropriate time"

Young women of Jerusalem, I charge you, by the gazelles and the wild does of the field: do not stir up or awaken love until the appropriate time. -Song of Solomon 2:7

My love is mine and I am his.. -Song of Solomon 2:7

My number one role model, influence, and best friend forever is my big sis. After reading through Song of Solomon today, I wrote a song honoring the godly love Becca and her fiance Christopher share. "Sister and Christer's" relationship is pure, youthful, and sure to last a lifetime :). Most young girls (and plenty of older ones) I assume would be envious of such a relationship...envious of the commitment, the status, the playful interaction, the gorgeous Christian man....the rooomance!
Now, I'm a sucker for romance...corny pickup lines, flowers, sweet notes or pictures, anything mushy and gross...and yes, I like romance novels, and watch too many chick-flicks.
But I'll be the first to say that I'm simply inspired by the wonderful life my sister and Christopher will soon share. From being somewhat on the inside of their relationship to see the good-bad-ugly-beautiful mesh into something lovely, I am reassured of the benefits of "putting my heart on hold."

The Lord is my shepherd, nothing shall I want. -Psalm 23:1

If your right eye causes you to sin gauge it out and throw it away.. -Matthew 5:29 (This idea is repeated several times scripture.) If the romance novels, etc. , leave us "wanting". . .this is not pleasing to the Lord...and everything is expendible if it means growing closer to the Lord. P.s the Bible has so many wonderful love stories.

Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life. -Proverbs 4:23

If I anticipate that God set apart one man for me to love and be loved by in this temporary life, why on earth would I hand my heart out to anyone else?!

Whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all to the glory of God -1Corinthians 10:31

This verse brings a whole new light to what we sweethearts like to call a "crush." Attracted to a guy, Laura? Stop and asses. Am I attracted to the darlin's Christ-like qualities? Am I attracted to the modest way he interacts with me and other girls? When I notice his physical attributes, am I thanking God for making Christian men wholesomely pleasing to the eye? (brief tangent: Too often the new guy is "cute and he's a Christian!" instead of "He loves the Lord with all his heart, and he's pretty cute too!") Is the guy pursuing me, and in a way that is pleasing to Jesus?
If not, note to self: Turn your head, walk away, and thank God that He is your portion!

God is love. He knows how to love. He loves incredibly well. Any affection I feel should be for the Lord, who is all I could want and much much more.


Besides, psychologists propose a positive correlation between age and ability to control emotion. I like being young, but I would never go back to early teenage years. Not that I have it all together now...nor will I ever. Shwoooh praise Jesus I'm not living this life alone!

1 comment:

  1. I am so stinkin proud of you Cooter. You write beautifully & with lots of truth. Love you so much.
