Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Iron and iron

I was sitting in the Dallas airport with my Bible and journal, back turned to two businessmen. I had just read and mediated on this verse:

Enter through the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the road is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who go through it. How narrow is the gate and difficult the road that leads to life, and few find it. -Matthew 7:13

This verse is convicting, inspiring, awesome, and also makes me sad. After working through each part, I zoomed in on "life, and few find it." ...My heart just ripped in half! I start looking around at all the different people hustling and bustling, sleeping, reading, talking, working..How many of these people breathe, sleep, eat, laugh, cry, play, live...but don't have life?? Do they even realize that they are on ta road that leads to destruction?? How many of them say to their buddy, "Man I'm headed toward destruction, it's great!!" ..? How many of them say, "Girl he took me home last night, it was great," "Bro you've gotta try this stuff it's great" "Wow if I could look like him/her, that would be great," "My wife will never know, or she'll forgive me in a week, it's great," "I could end it all now and everyone's life would be great" ...... "MAN I'M HEADED TOWARD DESTRUCTION! IT'S. . .hmm"

Then He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to the whole creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned." -Matthew 16:15-16

"The theif comes only to steal and to kill and to destroy. I have come that they may have life and have it in abundance." - John 10:10b


I overhear one businessman saying to the other, "Get yourself [something nice], you deserve it. You deserve it!"

What a twisted theology --> We work hard, so we deserve something.
Truth: We as Christians deserve death, but we get life (because Jesus is mercy, grace, love, compassion, life). And we give people SILLY advice. No, it is not okay to to pat our friends on the back and "oh yeah that, haha, yeahh that's ok :)" "man that stupid boy/girl, it's all his/her fault" "well, you were just angry and you have every right to be" "haha ah i can't believe you did that, but it is funny" {blah blah it's easy to provide silly responses to avoid friction at any cost, thus avoiding TRUTH when TRUTH needs not be avoided} ..guilty here. Have you ever listened to a friend or aquaintance talk and think.."oh no, my heart breaks for you..i hate that you are caught up in this mess..i wish you could see the truth in this you know that satan is pleased with your actions? Do you understand what this is doing to your relationship with Jesus?..." Seriously, by sugar coating the truth that your friend desperately needs (and is probably desperately seeking for), you are leading him to destruction. you are leading her to destruction.

"As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another." -Proverbs 27:17

Iron against iron is not pretty happy hearts and butterflies.. it grinds and sparks, and screeches...yet the outcome is sharpened iron. If one iron gently pats the other iron, will either be sharpened? No!! The iron will continue being dull, and will not be used by the Iron Man - great movie btw. Sure, the truth isn't always easy. Sparks may fly. But if you are attempting to be a peacemaker as scripture calls us to be..sweetheart "it's fine honey" doesn't always cut it.
And seek the Lord before you give advice. MEMORIZE SCRIPTURE, YOU WILL FIND IT TO BE VERYYYY USEFUL. Don't speak only from things you've heard or ramble about what you think may be the right thing to say..especially don't give advice out of duty or to fill the space because sometimes we just don't know what to say. If you simply ask, "Jesus give me the words to say to my friend" during the conversation..

Keep asking and you will receive, keep seeking and you will find, keep knocking and the door will be opened to you. -Matthew 7:7 (Luke 11:9)

I am not wise. You are not wise. Seek, receive, give from the Lord. Pray for the right words and the right timing.
One time my sister was translating a very special prayer and conversation between a hispanic and american woman. Although she was translating wonderfully, speaking what was spoken, breaking the language barrier for God's will to be done..afterwards, she couldn't have told you much of what had been said, or how to even say many of the words in spanish...The Holy Spirit is alive in us. Let Him do the talking.

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